
See latent.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Latently — La tent*ly, adv. In a secret or concealed manner; invisibly. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • latently — latent ► ADJECTIVE ▪ existing but not yet developed, manifest, or active. DERIVATIVES latency noun latently adverb. ORIGIN from Latin latere be hidden …   English terms dictionary

  • latently — adverb see latent I …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • latently — adverb a) In a latent manner b) secretly …   Wiktionary

  • latently — adv. in a latent manner; in a hidden manner; in an inactive manner, in a dormant manner …   English contemporary dictionary

  • latently — la·tent·ly …   English syllables

  • latently — adverb : in a latent manner * * * lāˈtently adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑latent …   Useful english dictionary

  • latent — latently, adv. /layt nt/, adj. 1. present but not visible, apparent, or actualized; existing as potential: latent ability. 2. Pathol. (of an infectious agent or disease) remaining in an inactive or hidden phase; dormant. 3. Psychol. existing in… …   Universalium

  • HHV Latency Associated Transcript — (HHV LAT) is a length of RNA which accumulates in cells hosting long term, or latent , Human Herpes Virus (HHV) infections. The LAT RNA is produced by genetic transcription from a certain region of the viral DNA. LAT regulates the viral genome… …   Wikipedia

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