

English  Afrikaner Brotherhood 

      South African secret society composed of Afrikaans-speaking, Protestant, white men over the age of 25. Although its political power is evident throughout South African society, its rituals and membershipby invitation onlyremain secret.

      The organization was established in 1918 for the purpose of counteracting the humiliating defeat of the Afrikaners (Boer) by the British in the South African War (18991902). Through the Broederbond, Afrikaner men hoped to foster Afrikaner culture and traditions in the face of ill treatment by British South Africans and second-class citizenship. The Broederbond's silent network became a means to power, and the organization was considered to be the significant force behind the rise to national dominance in 1948 of the largely Afrikaner National Party of South Africa (National Party).

      Despite its association with the conservative Dutch Reformed Church and the apartheid-promoting (apartheid) National Party, the Broederbond gradually began to change its position and in 1990 began to actively support President F.W. de Klerk's announced dismantling of the official policy of apartheid. This turnabout caused a 10 to 15 percent loss of membership in the Broederbond.

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Universalium. 2010.

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