

Greek philosopher

born 1st century BC, , Knossos, Crete

      philosopher and dialectician of the Greek Academy who revived the Pyrrhonian principle ofsuspended judgment” (epoche (epochē)) as a practical solution to the vexing andinsolubleproblem of knowledge. In his Pyrrhonian Discourses Aenesidemus formulated 10 tropes in defense of Skepticism, four suggesting arguments that arise from the nature of the perceiver, two dealing with the thing perceived, and four concerning the relationship between the perceiver and the thing perceived.

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  • Aenesidemus of Cnossos — (1st c. BC) Sceptical philosopher and defender of Pyrrhonism, for the most part known through his influence on Sextus Empiricus, and through the account of his teaching in Diogenes Laertius . A radical, he broke away from the Academy to return to …   Philosophy dictionary

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  • Gottlob Ernst Schulze — Gottlob Ernst Schulze, bekannter als Aenesidemus Schulze, (* 23. August 1761 in Heldrungen, Thüringen; † 14. Januar 1833 in Göttingen) war ein deutscher Philosoph. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biografie 2 Werke (Auswahl) 3 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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