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Universalium. 2010.

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  • last-minute — adj [only before noun] happening or done as late as possible before something else happens ▪ a few last minute changes to the script …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • last minute — last mi|nute [ la:st mɪnɪt] <englisch> (kurzfristig [und preisreduziert]); last minute verreisen …   Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

  • last minute — (also last moment) ► NOUN ▪ the latest possible time before an event …   English terms dictionary

  • last minute — last minute, adj. /min it/ the time just preceding a deadline or when some decisive action must be taken. [1915 20] * * * …   Universalium

  • last minute — index dilatory Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • last-minute — adjective just before a deadline; at the last minute (Freq. 1) last minute arrangements • Similar to: ↑unpunctual * * * adj late, overdue, hasty, rushed, forced, superficial COLLOQ. eleventh hour * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • last minute — noun the latest possible moment money became available at the eleventh hour at the last minute the government changed the rules • Syn: ↑eleventh hour • Hypernyms: ↑moment, ↑minute, ↑second, ↑inst …   Useful english dictionary

  • last minute — 1. noun An arbitrary (non specific) point in time, too close to a deadline to reasonably begin a critical task. I like to do everything at the last minute. It does tend to make me late for things, though. 2. adjective Very close to a deadline …   Wiktionary

  • last minute — noun Date: 1920 the moment just before some climactic, decisive, or disastrous event • last minute adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • last-minute — adjective see last minute …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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