Adam Of Bremen

Adam Of Bremen

German historian
flourished 11th century

      German historian whose work on the archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen provides valuable information on German politics under the Salian emperors and is also one of the great books of medieval geography.

      Of Franconian origin, he was probably educated at the cathedral school in Bamberg but was introduced in 1066 or 1067 into the cathedral chapter at Bremen by Archbishop Adalbert. In 1069 Adam was head of the Bremen cathedral school.

      Adam began his Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum (History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen), comprising four books, after Adalbert's death (1072). In Book III a candid and vivid description of the archbishop's personality and activities leads to an account of the German political affairs of the time. Book IV gives adescription of the islands of the north,” and besides dealing with Russia, the countries of the Baltic peoples, Scandinavia, Iceland, and Greenland, Adam makes the earliest known reference to Vinland, that part of North America reached by Leif Eriksson.

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Universalium. 2010.

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