

plant family
      one of 23 families in the mint order of flowering plants (Lamiales), containing approximately 230 genera and nearly 3,500 species distributed predominantly in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The greater part of the Acanthaceae family are herbs or shrubs, but climbers (vines) and trees occur as well. The range of habitats extends from marshes to extremely dry situations, but most of these plants are found in damp tropical forests.

      The family is characterized by simple leaves arranged in opposite pairs on the twigs, cystoliths (enlarged cells containing crystals of calcium carbonate) in streaks or protuberances in the vegetative parts, and bilaterally symmetrical, bisexual flowers that are usually crowded together in clusters and individually enclosed by leaflike bracts, often coloured and large. Sepals and petals number five or four each and are fused into tubular structures called the calyx and corolla. There are usually four or two stamens that arise from the corolla tissues and extend beyond the mouth of the flower; often there are one to three sterile stamens (staminodes). The pistil is superior (i.e., positioned above the attachment point of the other flower parts) and consists of two fused ovule-bearing segments (carpels) enclosing two chambers (locules), each of which has two to many ovules in two rows along the central axis of the ovary. Seeds are borne on hooks on the placenta.

  The group is mainly of horticultural interest and includes such ornamentals as bear's-breech (Acanthus mollis), clock vine (Thunbergia), shrimp plant (Justicia brandegeeana; formerly known as Beloperone guttata), and caricature plant (Graptophyllum pictum). The largest genera include Justicia (about 600 species; see photograph—>; now comprising former segregate genera such as Jacobinia and Beloperone), Stobilanthes (250), Barleria (230), Aphelandra (200; see photograph—>), Thunbergia (90), Dicliptera (150), Hypoestes (50), Blepharis (80), Dyschoriste (65), Lepidagathis (100), and Hygrophila (25).

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Universalium. 2010.

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