

      South American Indian people who formerly lived on the lower Bermejo River in the Argentine Gran Chaco. They spoke a language (also called Callaga) belonging to the Guaycuruan (Guaycuruan languages) group of the Guaycurú-Charruan languages. The Abipón were divided into three dialect groups: the Nakaigetergehè (“Forest People”), the Riikahè (“People of the Open Country”), and the Yaaukanigá (“Water People”). About 1750 their numbers were estimated at 5,000, but in the second half of the 19th century they became extinct as a people.

      Seminomadic bands of Abipón hunted, fished, gathered food, and practiced a limited degree of agriculture before the introduction of the horse. The latter event transformed the whole social system of the Chaco. Agriculture was practically abandoned, and semiwild cattle, rhea, guanaco, deer, and peccary were hunted on horseback. Abipón horsemen also raided Spanish farms and ranches, even threatening large cities such as Asunción and Corrientes.

      By 1750 the Jesuits had settled the Abipón on missions that later became the Argentine cities of Reconquista and Resistencia. White military pacification campaigns in the 19th century circumscribed the Abipón's hunting grounds. Many of the Indians were slaughtered, and others were assimilated into the general population.

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