Turbay Ayala, Julio Cesar

Turbay Ayala, Julio Cesar
 Colombian politician (b. June 18, 1916, Bogotá, Colom.—d. Sept. 13, 2005, Bogotá), served (197882) as president of Colombia during a turbulent time. Turbay was the son of a Lebanese immigrant, and by the age of 21, he had become mayor of the town of Girardot. In 1943 he was first elected to the House of Representatives, as a member of the reformist wing of the Liberal Party. During the period known as La Violencia, Turbay's role in the Liberal Party became increasingly dominant, and in 1953 he was elected to the party's national executive. In 1957 he served as minister of energy and mines in the brief military junta, and thereafter he was a supporter of the National Front. Turbay was foreign minister in 195861, and he served in cabinets over the next several years. He was elected in 1962 to the first of five successive terms in the Senate. In 1978 Turbay was elected president in an extremely close election. Within weeks, he introduced a security statute in an attempt to end Colombia's endemic violence; the measure severely limited personal freedoms and allowed civilians to be tried in courts martial. Turbay negotiated a peaceful end to a touchy international hostage situation in 1980. After his term of office ended, Turbay remained a respected elder statesman in the Liberal Party. His last public appointment was as ambassador to the Vatican (199598).

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president of Colombia
byname  Turco  
born June 18, 1916, Bogotá, Colombia
died September 13, 2005, Bogotá
 president of Colombia from 1978 to 1982, a centrist liberal who proved unable to end his country's continuing social unrest.

      Born into a middle-class family descended from Lebanese immigrants, Turbay was educated at the National Commercial School in Bogotá and the University College of Botero. He served in the House of Representatives from 1943 to 1953 and became a leader of the Liberal Party. He was appointed minister of mines and energy in 1957 and became minister of foreign affairs in 1958 under President Alberto Lleras Camargo.

      Turbay was elected to two successive terms in the Senate (196269), serving concurrently as UN ambassador (196769). In the latter role he was responsible for negotiating Colombia's resumption of diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union after a 20-year break. Between 1970 and 1976 he served as ambassador to Great Britain (197375), chairman of the Liberal Party, and ambassador to the United States (197576).

      After a stormy campaign, Turbay won the 1978 presidential election, narrowly defeating the Conservative candidate, Belisario Betancur. He took office amid the continuing labour and student unrest, guerrilla violence, and drug trafficking that had plagued his predecessor, and he found it necessary to decree asecurity statutethat curtailed personal freedoms, restricted news coverage, and permitted civilians who had been accused of terrorism to be tried in military courts. In 1980, rebels seized control of the Dominican Republic's embassy, taking some 50 officials hostage. Turbay earned praise for his handling of the situation, which ended after 61 days. The following year the four main guerrilla armies stepped up their kidnappings and attacks on banks and military bases. Turbay broke relations with Cuba, claiming that it aided the guerrillas, who in turn spurned his offers of a limited amnesty. Unable by law to run for reelection in 1982, he was succeeded by Betancur. Turbay remained active in politics and held a number of diplomatic positions. In 1990 his daughter Diana was kidnapped by men working for Pablo Escobar, leader of the Medellín drug cartel, and the following year she was killed during a failed rescue attempt.

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