Todd of Trumpington, Alexander Robertus Todd, Baron

Todd of Trumpington, Alexander Robertus Todd, Baron

      Scottish organic chemist (b. Oct. 2, 1907, Glasgow, Scot.—d. Jan. 10, 1997, Cambridge, Eng.), studied the chemistry of a variety of chemicals involved in life processes and was awarded the 1957 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his discovery of the structure and synthesis of the nucleotides that are subunits of nucleic acidsthe hereditary material of cells. His work provided the foundation for further studies into the physical structure and biological function of nucleic acids, particularly the discovery of the double-helical structure of DNA by James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins. Todd received doctorates from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt, Ger. (1931), and the University of Oxford (1933). He held posts at the University of Edinburgh, where he was one of the first chemists to study the structure of vitamin B1 (thiamine). Although his method for synthesizing the vitamin was not the first, it proved the best suited to industrial application and continued to be used in manufacturing. From 1938 to 1944 he continued his research at the University of Manchester, Eng., studying the chemistry of a variety of compounds, including vitamin E, substances found in marijuana and hashish, and nucleosides and nucleotides. Todd temporarily interrupted his research during World War II to develop and produce gases to be used in chemical warfare. He accepted the chair in organic chemistry at the University of Cambridge, where he spent the greater part of his career (1944-71) and carried out his most important work. During this time Todd synthesized the nucleoside adenosine as well as adenosine diphosphate and triphosphate (ADP and ATP), nucleotides that are not subunits of nucleic acids but are responsible for energy production and energy storage in plant and animal cells. He also established the structure of the coenzyme flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and was involved in working out the structure of vitamin B12. Todd was knighted in 1954, created a life peer in 1962, and made a member of the Royal Order of Merit in 1977. His autobiography, A Time to Remember: The Autobiography of a Chemist, was published in 1983.

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  • Alexander R. Todd, Baron Todd — Alexander Robertus Todd, Baron Todd, PC, OM, FRS (2 October 1907 ndash; 10 January 1997) was a Scottish biochemist whose research on the structure and synthesis of nucleotides, nucleosides, and nucleotide coenzymes gained him the 1957 Nobel Prize …   Wikipedia

  • Alexander Robertus Todd — Sir Alexander Robertus Todd, Baron of Trumpington (* 2. Oktober 1907 in Glasgow; † 10. Januar 1997 in Cambridge) war ein britischer Chemiker. Er erhielt 1957 den Nobelpreis für Chemie für grundlegende Arbeiten über die Gruppe der Nukleotide und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Todd , Alexander Robertus, Baron — (1907–1997) British biochemist Todd graduated from the university in his native city of Glasgow in 1928 and spent a further year there on a Carnegie Scholarship before going to the University of Frankfurt, Germany. He received doctorates from… …   Scientists

  • Chemienobelpreis 1957: Alexander Robertus Todd —   Der britische Chemiker Alexander Robertus Todd erhielt den Nobelpreis für »seine Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Nucleotidcoenzyme und der Nucleotide«.    Biografie   Sir (seit 1954) Alexander Robertus Todd, Baron of Trumpington (seit 1962), *… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Todd — Todd1 [täd] n. a masculine name Todd2 [täd] Alexander (Robertus) Baron Todd of Trumpington 1907 97; Brit. organic chemist …   English World dictionary

  • Alexander Robert Todd — Sir Alexander Robertus Todd, Baron of Trumpington (* 2. Oktober 1907 in Glasgow; † 10. Januar 1997 in Cambridge) war ein britischer Chemiker. Er erhielt 1957 den Nobelpreis für Chemie für grundlegende Arbeiten über die Gruppe der Nukleotide und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Alexander Todd — Sir Alexander Robertus Todd, Baron of Trumpington (* 2. Oktober 1907 in Glasgow; † 10. Januar 1997 in Cambridge) war ein britischer Chemiker. Er erhielt 1957 den Nobelpreis für Chemie für grundlegende Arbeiten über die Gruppe der Nukleotide und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Todd — noun 1. Scottish chemist noted for his research into the structure of nucleic acids (born in 1907) • Syn: ↑Sir Alexander Robertus Todd, ↑Lord Todd • Instance Hypernyms: ↑chemist 2. fictional character in a play by George Pitt; a barber who… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Todd — Tọdd,   1) Sir (seit 1954) Alexander Robertus, Baron of Trumpington [əv trʌmpɪȖtən] (seit 1962), britischer Chemiker, * Glasgow 2. 10. 1907, ✝ Cambridge 10. 1. 1997; Professor in Manchester (1938 44) und Cambridge; 1975 80 Präsident der Royal… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Todd — /tod/, n. 1. Alexander Robertus /roh berr teuhs/ (Baron of Trumpington), 1907 97, Scottish chemist: Nobel prize 1957. 2. David, 1855 1939, U.S. astronomer and teacher. 3. a male given name. * * * …   Universalium

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