Suarez Mason, Carlos Guillermo

Suarez Mason, Carlos Guillermo

      Argentine general (b. Jan. 2, 1924, Buenos Aires, Arg.—d. June 21, 2005, Buenos Aires), ordered the execution of thousands of political opponents during theDirty Warof the 1970s. As part of the military junta that seized control of Argentina in 1976, Suárez Mason commanded the 1st Army Corps, which he used to brutally suppress dissent. An estimated 10,00015,000 citizens were imprisoned, tortured, and eventually murdered. When civilians regained the government in 1983, Suárez Mason fled to the United States. He was extradited in 1988 and put on trial, but he and the rest of the regime were pardoned. In the 1990s he was found guilty of having stolen the babies born to the political prisoners of the Dirty War, and he was placed under house arrest. In 2004 his pardon was declared unconstitutional, and he was imprisoned.

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Universalium. 2010.

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