Strehler, Giorgio

Strehler, Giorgio

      Italian theatre director and actor who was a preeminent figure in post-World War II European theatre as cofounder and artistic director (1947-68, 1972-97) of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano, Italy's first important modern regional theatre; founding director (1968-72) of the Gruppo Teatro e Azione; and artistic director (1983-90) of the Paris-based Théâtre de l'Europe. A passionate and innovative director, he staged some 250 plays, most notably works by Shakespeare, Bertolt Brecht, and Carlo Goldoni. He also directed operas at La Scala, Milan, played the title role in his own epic production of Goethe's Faust, and served one term (1987-92) in the Italian Senate (b. Aug. 14, 1921d. Dec. 25, 1997).

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  • Giorgio Strehler — fue un actor y director de teatro italiano, nacido en Barcola, Trieste (Italia), 14 de agosto de 1921, falleció repentinamente en pleno trabajo el 25 de diciembre de 1997 en Lugano (Suiza). Fundó en 1947, junto a Paolo Grassi, el Piccolo Teatro… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Giorgio Strehler — (August 14 1921 – December 25 1997) was one of the most influential directors of Italian opera and theatre. BiographyStrehler was born in Barcola (province of Trieste) to an Austrian father and a French/Slovene mother, he grew up speaking Italian …   Wikipedia

  • Giorgio Strehler — Giorgio Strehler, né le 14 août 1921 à Trieste et mort le 25 décembre 1997 à Lugano, est un metteur en scène italien. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Théâtre 2.1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Giorgio Strehler — (* 14. August 1921 in Triest; † 25. Dezember 1997 in Lugano) war ein italienischer Regisseur. Strehler gehörte zu den berühmtesten Theaterregisseuren Europas. In seinem Mailänder Piccolo Teatro schuf er herausragende Bertolt Brecht und William… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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