Schatz, Albert

Schatz, Albert
▪ 2006

      American microbiologist (b. Feb. 2, 1920, Norwich, Conn.— d. Jan. 17, 2005, Philadelphia, Pa.), along with Selman Waksman, discovered streptomycin, the first antibiotic that effectively treated a multitude of deadly diseases such as tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera, and bubonic plague. As a graduate student at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., Schatz successfully demonstrated in 1943 that streptomycin acted as an active agent in slowing the growth of disease-causing bacteria. Initially, Schatz was denied recognition for his achievement, as well as any royalties from the sale of streptomycin, primarily because he was a graduate student. As a result, he sued Waksman and Rutgers University and eventually won recognition as co-discoverer of streptomycin, and he was awarded a portion of the royalties from its sale. When the 1952 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was awarded solely to Waksman, however, Schatz's appeals were futile. In 1994 he was awarded the Rutgers University Medal, the institution's highest honour.

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  • Albert Israel Schatz — (* 2. Februar 1920 in Norwich, Connecticut; † 17. Januar 2005 in Philadelphia) war ein amerikanischer Mikrobiologe und Wissenschaftspädagoge. Er war Mitentdecker des Antibiotikums Streptomycin, musste jedoch für die Anerkennung seines Anteils an… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Albert Schatz — Albert Israel Schatz (* 2. Februar 1920 in Norwich, Connecticut; † 17. Januar 2005 in Philadelphia) war ein amerikanischer Mikrobiologe und Wissenschaftspädagoge. Er war Mitentdecker des Antibiotikums Streptomycin, musste jedoch für die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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