Reinhart, Tanya Miriam

Reinhart, Tanya Miriam

      Israeli academic and writer

born July 23, 1943 , Kyriat Haim, British-mandated Palestine

died March 17, 2007 , Montauk, N.Y.
was best known for her critical analyses of Israel's policies regarding Palestinianswhich she compared unfavourably to South African apartheidand her political activism in favour of Palestinian rights. Reinhart studied literature and philosophy at Hebrew University (B.A., 1967; M.A., 1969) and earned a Ph.D. (1976) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where linguistpolitical activist Noam Chomsky was her thesis supervisor. Reinhart wrote extensively on linguistics and served on the faculties of Tel Aviv University, MIT, Columbia University in New York City, the University of Paris, the University of Utrecht, Neth., and New York University. Her political books included Israel/Palestine: How to End the War of 1948 (2002) and The Road to Nowhere: Israel/Palestine Since 2003 (2006).

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Universalium. 2010.

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