Qadir, Abdul

Qadir, Abdul

      Afghan warlord and political official (b. 1954?, Sorkh Rod, Afg.—d. July 6, 2002, Kabul, Afg.), was one of the few Pashtun leaders in the Tajik-dominated government of Pres. Hamid Karzai. Qadir's power base lay in eastern Afghanistan, where he was a powerful warlord and governor of Nangarhar province, a post he assumed in 1992 after he had earned a reputation by leading mujahideen forces following the 1979 Soviet invasion. He fled the country when the Taliban took control and was one of a handful of Pashtun leaders to fight with the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance. In October 2001 his younger brother, a guerrilla leader known as Abdul Haq, was executed by the Taliban government. Qadir, a controversial figure with many enemies, nonetheless wielded enormous influence among eastern Pashtuns, and there were rumours that he was involved in the opium trade. He was shot dead by unknown assailants less than three weeks after he had assumed his post as one of Afghanistan's new vice presidents.

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