La Flesche,Susette

La Flesche,Susette
La Flesche (lä flĕshʹ, lə), Susette. Originally Inshta Theumba (“Bright Eyes”). 1854-1903.
Native American writer and lecturer. Her work helped bring about more favorable U.S. government policies toward Native Americans.

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  • La Flesche, Susette — ▪ American author and activist Omaha name  Inshata Theumba (“Bright Eyes”)  born 1854, Omaha Reservation, Nebraska [U.S.] died May 26, 1903, near Bancroft, Neb., U.S.       Native American (American Indian) writer, lecturer, and activist in the… …   Universalium

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  • Susette La Flesche Tibbles — Suzette La Flesche Tibbles Susette La Flesche, auch Inshta Theumba oder Bright Eyes (Leuchtende Augen) genannt (* 1854 bei Bellevue, Nebraska; † 1903 im Omaha Reservat in Nebraska), war eine Reformerin, Autorin und Dozentin, die sich ihr Leben… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Francis La Flesche — (1857 1932) was the student and adopted son of anthropologist Alice Fletcher. A Native American of the Omaha tribe, he worked with her to record Omaha culture, which both of them believed was vanishing.He was the son of the Omaha chief Iron Eye,… …   Wikipedia

  • La Flesche, Francis — ▪ American ethnologist born Dec. 25, 1857, Omaha Reservation, Nebraska died Sept. 5, 1932, near Macy, Neb., U.S.       U.S. ethnologist and champion of the rights of American Indians (American Indian) who wrote a book of general literary interest …   Universalium

  • Fletcher, Alice Cunningham — ▪ American anthropologist born March 15, 1838, Havana, Cuba died April 6, 1923, Washington, D.C., U.S.       American anthropologist whose stature as a social scientist, notably for her pioneer studies of Native American (American Indian) music,… …   Universalium

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