La Flesche, Susette

La Flesche, Susette

▪ American author and activist
Omaha name  Inshata Theumba (“Bright Eyes”) 
born 1854, Omaha Reservation, Nebraska [U.S.]
died May 26, 1903, near Bancroft, Neb., U.S.

      Native American (American Indian) writer, lecturer, and activist in the cause of American Indian rights.

      La Flesche was the daughter of an Omaha chief who was the son of a French trader and an Omaha woman. The father was familiar with both cultures, and though he lived as an Indian he sent his children to a Presbyterian mission school to provide them with an English-language education. Her sister, Susan, became a physician, and her brother, Francis, an ethnologist. Susette was sent to Elizabeth, New Jersey, to continue her education, and she returned to the Omaha Reservation to teach at a government school.

      Using her Omaha name, Bright Eyes, La Flesche became involved in her people's struggle for justice. She took up the cause of the Ponca, a tribe related to the Omaha who had been uprooted from their lands by the U.S. government and moved to Oklahoma, where sickness and starvation beset them. When the Ponca chief, Standing Bear, and several of his followers returned to Nebraska in 1879 after a long and arduous journey, they were arrested. In April a habeas corpus hearing brought about at the instigation of Thomas H. Tibbles of the Omaha Herald resulted in the release of the Ponca and the establishment of a legal precedent in recognizing Native Americans as persons before the law. She then undertook a lecture tour of the eastern United States with Standing Bear, also acting as his interpreter. The tour aroused sympathy in influential circles, led by such individuals as Edward Everett Hale (Hale, Edward Everett), Alice Fletcher (Fletcher, Alice Cunningham), Wendell Phillips (Phillips, Wendell), and Mary L. Bonney (Bonney, Mary Lucinda), and eventuated in the passage of the Dawes General Allotment Act in 1887. In 1881 La Flesche married Tibbles. She continued to work against the arbitrary removal of Indians from their traditional lands, lecturing throughout the United States and in Scotland.

      La Flesche and her husband settled on the Omaha Reservation, where she wrote and illustrated Indian stories and helped her husband with his editorial work. She edited and wrote the introduction for Ploughed Under: The Story of an Indian Chief (1881), an anonymous work.

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