- Pagels, Elaine
▪ 1996Only a few academics are read by both their peers and the general public. Elaine Pagels, the Harrington Spear Paine professor of religion at Princeton University, was part of that elite group. Throughout her career she was lauded for her concise elucidations of early Christian texts, and her books are a happy marriage of elegant scholarship and lucid prose.Elaine Hiesey was born in Palo Alto, Calif., on Feb. 13, 1943. She received her B.A. from Stanford University in 1964 and went on to earn a master's degree in Greek. She then entered Harvard's graduate program of religious studies in 1965, married physicist Heinz Pagels in 1969, and was awarded her Ph.D. in 1970. Her main area of scholarship was the history of the early Christians, and she published two books about the Gnostics, The Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis (1973) and The Gnostic Paul (1975). Pagels then joined an international team of scholars that issued an English edition of the Nag Hammadi manuscripts in 1977. Her work with the documents resulted in The Gnostic Gospels (1979), which achieved enormous popularity among both academics and the public at large. Her exploration of the documents exploded the myth of a solid unity within the early Christian movement and also explored the feminine imagery and ideology prevalent in the Gnostic texts. The book was awarded the National Book Critics Circle Award and the National Book Award, although Pagels' interpretations received sharp criticism from traditionalists who felt her claims were not supported by the texts and who objected to her feminist interpretation of Scripture.During this period Pagels taught at Barnard College, Columbia University, New York City. In 1974 she was appointed chairperson of the religion department at Barnard, a position she held for eight years. Pagels was awarded a Rockefeller fellowship in 1978 and a Guggenheim fellowship the following year. The Pagelses had a child named Mark whose birth in 1980 was followed by Pagels' receipt of the prestigious MacArthur Prize fellowship in 1981. Two years later she accepted a position at Princeton University. She then turned her keen eye to the Bible creation stories and published Adam, Eve, and the Serpent (1988).Pagels' six-year old son died of a respiratory ailment in 1987, and 15 months later her husband died while hiking in Colorado. Their deaths led her to reflect upon how humans cope with catastrophe and who is blamed for tragedy. Her thoughts found their way into The Origin of Satan (1995), an account of the tendency in Christian tradition to demonize one's opponents. Again, some critics claimed that Pagels was "scavenging at the edges of tradition" to prove her theories. It was unlikely, however, that criticism would silence Pagels' scholarship and reflections upon early Christian history. (AMANDA E. FULLER)
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Universalium. 2010.