Maruyama, Masao

Maruyama, Masao

      Japanese political scientist, writer, and educator (b. March 22, 1914, Osaka, Japand. Aug. 15, 1996, Tokyo, Japan), as one of Japan's leading political thinkers, helped shape Japanese politics and thought following World War II. Maruyama, the son of a political journalist, graduated from the Tokyo Imperial University in 1937 and became a faculty member there. In 1944 he was drafted into the army, and at the war's conclusion he returned to the university. In 1950 he was made full professor, a position he held until his retirement in 1971. In his writings and teachings, Maruyama analyzed the social aspects and ideology of Japan and examined their impact on the country's political system. An outspoken critic of the Establishment, he wrote extensively on the Japanese government, arguing that the country's postwar democracy was actually fascism in disguise. In his seminal work, Chokokka shugi no ronri to shinri (1946; "The Logic and Psychology of Ultranationalism"), Maruyama examined the psychological underpinnings of Japan's antidemocratic organizations and sparked controversy with his criticism of a system that had an emperor as head of state. Maruyama was praised for his ability to apply abstract concepts to actual events, and his writings, noted for their eloquence and clarity, were required reading for students of Japan's modernization. His work inspired the student antigovernment demonstrations in the 1960s, though Maruyama denounced the violence of the protests, claiming that his ideas had been misinterpreted. In 1982 he was made a member of the Japan Academy.

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