Levinas, Emmanuel

Levinas, Emmanuel

      Lithuanian-born French philosopher who combined the ideas of the German Phenomenologists Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger; after World War II he was admired as a scholar of Judaism, especially the Talmud (b. Dec. 30, 1905 [Jan. 12, 1906, New Style]—d. Dec. 25, 1995).

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French philosopher
born December 30, 1905 [January 12, 1906, Old Style], Kaunas, Lithuania
died December 25, 1995, Paris, France

      French philosopher renowned for his powerful critique of the preeminence of ontology (the philosophical study of being) in the history of Western philosophy, particularly in the work of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (Heidegger, Martin) (18891976).

      Lévinas began his studies in philosophy in 1923 at the University of Strasbourg. He spent the academic year 192829 at the University of Freiburg, where he attended seminars by Edmund Husserl (Husserl, Edmund) (18591938) and Heidegger. After completing a doctoral dissertation at the Institut de France in 1928, Lévinas taught at the École Normale Israelite Orientale (ENIO), a school for Jewish students, and the Alliance Israelite Universelle, both in Paris. Serving as an officer in the French army at the outbreak of World War II, he was captured by German troops in 1940 and spent the next five years in a prisoner of war camp. After the war he was director of the ENIO until 1961, when he received his first academic appointment at the University of Poitiers. He subsequently taught at the University of Paris X (Nanterre; 196773) and the Sorbonne (197378).

      The principal theme of Lévinas's work after World War II is the traditional place of ontology asfirst philosophy”—the most fundamental philosophical discipline. According to Lévinas, ontology by its very nature attempts to create a totality in which what is different andotheris necessarily reduced to sameness and identity. This desire for totality, according to Lévinas, is a basic manifestation ofinstrumentalreasonthe use of reason as an instrument for determining the best or most efficient means to achieve a given end. Through its embrace of instrumental reason, Western philosophy displays a destructive and objectifyingwill to domination.” Moreover, because instrumental reason does not determine the ends to which it is applied, it can beand has beenused in the pursuit of goals that are destructive or evil; in this sense, it is responsible for the major crises of European history in the 20th century, in particular the advent of totalitarianism. Viewed from this perspective, Heidegger's attempt to develop a newfundamental ontology,” one that would answer the question of themeaning of Being,” is misguided, because it continues to reflect the dominating and destructive orientation characteristic of Western philosophy in general.

      Lévinas claims that ontology also displays a bias toward cognition and theoretical reasonthe use of reason in the formation of judgments or beliefs. In this respect ontology is philosophically inferior to ethics, a field that Lévinas construes as encompassing all the practical dealings of human beings with each other. Lévinas holds that the primacy of ethics over ontology is justified by theface of the Other.” Thealterity,” or otherness, of the Other, as signified by theface,” is something that one acknowledges before using reason to form judgments or beliefs about him. Insofar as the moral debt one owes to the Other can never be satisfiedLévinas claims that the Other isinfinitely transcendent, infinitely foreign”—one's relation to him is that of infinity. In contrast, since ontology treats the Other as an object of judgments made by theoretical reason, it deals with him as a finite being; its relationship to the Other is therefore one of totality.

      Lévinas claims that ethics can be given a theological foundation in the biblical commandmentThou shalt not kill” (Ex. 20:13). He explores the ethical implications of this mandate in religious studies such as Difficult Freedom: Essays on Judaism (1963) and Nine Talmudic Readings (1990). Among Lévinas's other major philosophical works are Existence and Existents (1947), Discovering Existence with Husserl and Heidegger (1949), Difficult Freedom (1963), and Otherwise than Being, or Beyond Essence (1974).

Richard Wolin

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