Leonard John Brass — (17 May 1900 – 29 August 1971) was an Australian and American botanist, botanical collector and explorer. He was born at Toowoomba, Queensland. He was trained at the Queensland Herbarium, which he collected plant specimens for from the 1930s to… … Wikipedia
Leonard John Miles — ARP warden Leonard John Miles was posthumously awarded the George Cross for the gallantry he showed in leaving his air raid shelter to warn others of an unexploded bomb nearby in Ilford in Essex on the 21st of September, 1940. He was fatally… … Wikipedia
John E. Leonard — John Edwards Leonard (* 22. September 1845 in Fairville, Chester County, Pennsylvania; † 15. März 1878 in Havanna, Kuba) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1877 und 1878 vertrat er den Bundesstaat … Deutsch Wikipedia
Leonard J. Fick — (September 6, 1915 ndash; February 4, 1990) was an American Roman Catholic priest, scholar and educator, college president, author in Ohio whose educational career spanned for over fifty years. Fick devoted more than sixty years to the Pontifical … Wikipedia
John Leonard (Australian poet) — John Leonard (born 1965) is an Australian poet.He was born in Cambridge, England, and from 1984 to 1987 studied at Oxford University. In 1991 he moved to Australia and completed a PhD at the University of Queensland.He currently lives in Canberra … Wikipedia
Leonard Fraser — Information Surnom(s) : Le Violeur de Rockhampton (The Rockhampton Rapist) Naissance : 25 juin 1951 Queensland (Au … Wikipédia en Français
Leonard Fraser — Leonard John Fraser (27 de junio de 1951 – 1 de enero de 2007) fue un asesino en serie australiano. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Crímenes 3 Muerte 4 … Wikipedia Español
John Wayne/Filmografie — John Wayne im Jahre 1943 John Waynes Filmografie nennt die Filme, in denen der Filmschauspieler John Wayne mitgewirkt hat. In seiner 50 jährigen Filmkarriere war er in mehr als 150 Filmen zu sehen. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen, überwiegend zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Leonard Crofoot — Leonard John Crofoot (born 20 September 1948 in Utica, New York) is an actor, singer, dancer, writer and choreographer. He is also credited as Leonard Crofoot. As a boy he had a form of polio and to strengthen his muscles his parents enrolled him … Wikipedia
John T. Shayne & Company — John T. Shayne Company, a Chicago based woman’s clothier, was founded on November 6, 1884 by John Thomas Shayne (b. August 26, 1852) an importer/manufacturer of furs, civic leader and Democratic politician. The firm was formally incorporated on… … Wikipedia