Heath, Sir Edward Richard George
- Heath, Sir Edward Richard George
▪ 2006
British politician (
July 9,
July 17,
as prime minister (
of the United Kingdom,
oversaw the country'
s entrance into the European Economic Community (
now the European Union)
in 1973.
After graduating (
from Balliol College,
Heath served in the Royal Artillery during World War II,
and in 1950 he was elected to Parliament for the Conservative Party.
He was a strong proponent of European unity and in his role as lord privy seal (
headed negotiations for Britain'
s admission into the EEC.
Although the talks ultimately failed after French Pres.
Charles de Gaulle blocked Britain'
s membership in 1963,
Heath earned praise for his efforts.
In 1965 he became leader of the Conservative Party and led it to victory in the 1970 election.
As prime minister he continued to pursue an EEC agreement,
a process that was aided by the new French president,
Georges Pompidou.
In 1972 Heath signed an accession treaty,
and the following year the U.
officially joined the EEC.
Escalating violence in Northern Ireland and economic problems,
including labour strikes,
plagued his administration,
In the general elections of February 1974,
the Conservatives lost seats in Parliament,
and Heath was unable to form a coalition government.
In March he was succeeded as prime minister by Harold Wilson of the Labour Party,
and in 1975 he was replaced as Conservative leader by Margaret Thatcher,
of whom he was highly critical.
who remained an MP until 2001,
wrote several books,
including the autobiography The Course of My Life (
He was knighted in 1992.
* * *
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Heath, Sir Edward (Richard George) — born July 9, 1916, Broadstairs, Kent, Eng. British politician, prime minister of Britain (1970–74). He held various government positions after being elected to Parliament in 1950, and after the Conservative defeat in 1964 he became a major… … Universalium
Heath, Sir Edward (Richard George) — (n. 9 jul. 1916, Broadstairs, Kent, Inglaterra). Político británico, primer ministro de Gran Bretaña (1970–74). Después de ser elegido al parlamento en 1950 desempeñó varios cargos de gobierno y tras la derrota conservadora de 1964 se convirtió… … Enciclopedia Universal
Edward Richard George Heath — Edward Heath (1966) Edward Richard George Heath, KG, MBE (* 9. Juli 1916 in Broadstairs, Grafschaft Kent; † 17. Juli 2005 in Salisbury, Grafschaft Wiltshire) war ein konservativer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Heath, Sir Edward — ▪ prime minister of United Kingdom in full Sir Edward Richard George Heath born July 9, 1916, Broadstairs, Kent, England died July 17, 2005, Salisbury, Wiltshire Conservative prime minister of Great Britain from 1970 to 1974. Although he … Universalium
George — George, David Lloyd George, Henry George, Pierre George, Stefan * * * (as used in expressions) Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4 conde de George William Russell Akerlof, George A. Alexander, Harold (Rupert Leofric George) Alexander, 1 conde… … Enciclopedia Universal
sir — /serr/, n. 1. a respectful or formal term of address used to a man: No, sir. 2. (cap.) the distinctive title of a knight or baronet: Sir Walter Scott. 3. (cap.) a title of respect for some notable personage of ancient times: Sir Pandarus of Troy … Universalium
Edward — /ed weuhrd/, n. 1. Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall ( The Black Prince ), 1330 76, English military leader (son of Edward III). 2. Lake, a lake in central Africa, between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a source of the Nile.… … Universalium
sir — (Voz inglesa.) ► sustantivo masculino Tratamiento honorífico empleado por los británicos. * * * sir (ingl.; pronunc. [ser]) m. *Tratamiento de respeto usado en Inglaterra delante de un nombre de hombre o para dirigirse a la persona de que se… … Enciclopedia Universal
Edward — (as used in expressions) Abbey, Edward Acheson, Edward Goodrich Acton (de Aldenham), John Emerich Edward Dahlberg Acton, 1 barón Albee, Edward (Franklin) Edward Teach Bax, Sir Arnold (Edward Trevor) Bellamy, Edward Bernays, Edward L. Charles… … Enciclopedia Universal
George — /jawrj/, n. 1. a figure of St. George killing the dragon, esp. one forming part of the insignia of the Order of the Garter. 2. Brit. Slang. any coin bearing the image of St. George. 3. a word formerly used in communications to represent the… … Universalium