Dassin, Jules

Dassin, Jules
▪ 2009
Julius Dassin 
      American film director

born Dec. 18, 1911, Middletown, Conn.

died March 31, 2008, Athens, Greece
was a master of film noir and perhaps best remembered for his direction of Rififi (1955), which featured a remarkable 25-minute robbery sequence that contained no dialogue or music; he won the best director award at the Cannes Festival for this effort. Early in his career Dassin enjoyed success in Hollywood, working under director Alfred Hitchcock and directing movies that starred John Wayne and Joan Crawford. Dassin's most notable early films include Brute Force (1947), The Naked City (1948), and Thieves' Highway (1949). His career in the U.S. was interrupted, however, when he was blacklisted as a communist; he relocated to France in 1953. During this period Dassin, no longer under studio limitations, began making films that freely exhibited his creative force, such as the acclaimed Never on Sunday (1960), which starred his wife, Melina Mercouri. Dassin returned to the U.S. during the 1960s and turned out such films as Topkapi (1964) and his last, Circle of Two (1980).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • DASSIN, JULES — (1911– ), U.S. film director. Born in Middle town, Connecticut, Dassin attended high school in the Bronx, New York, and drama school in Europe. He started his career as an actor in the Yiddish Theatre in New York at age 25. In Hollywood, he… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Dassin, Jules — ► (n. 1911) Director cinematográfico estadounidense. En 1950, tras realizar La ciudad desnuda (1948), abandonó E.U.A. En Europa continuó su carrera con títulos como Noche en la ciudad (1950) y Rififí (1954), premiada en el Festival de Cannes,… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Dassin, Jules — (December 18, 191I, Middletown, Connecticut, USA March 31, 2008, Athens, Greece)    The son of a Russian Jewish immigrant, he grew up in New York and attended high school in the Bronx. He studied dramatic art in Europe and then made his acting… …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • Dassin — Dassin, Jules …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Jules dassin — Jules Dassin, de son vrai nom Julius Dassin, était un réalisateur et acteur américain, né le 18 décembre 1911 à Middletown, dans le Connecticut, et mort à Athènes (il était citoyen d honneur grec) le 31 mars 2008. On le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jules Dassin — Born Julius Dassin 18 December 1911(1911 12 18) Middletown, Connecticut, U.S. Died 31 March 2008(2008 03 31) (aged 96) …   Wikipedia

  • DASSIN (J.) — DASSIN JULES (1911 ) Après des débuts au théâtre à New York, Dassin tourne quelques courts métrages, puis s’impose en quatre films: Les Démons de la liberté (Brute Force , 1947), La Cité sans voiles (Naked City , 1948), Les Bas Fonds de Frisco… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Jules Dassin — Données clés Nom de naissance Julius Dassin Naissance 18 décembre 1911 Middletown …   Wikipédia en Français

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