Dalitz, Richard Henry

Dalitz, Richard Henry

      Australian-born nuclear physicist (b. Feb. 28, 1925, Dimboola, Vic., Australiad. Jan. 13, 2006, Oxford, Eng.), was celebrated for having devised the Dalitz plot and demonstrated the existence of Dalitz pairs, work that made possible many other discoveries in particle physics. After studying mathematics (B.A., 1944) and physics (B.Sc., 1945) at the University of Melbourne, Dalitz moved to England. He had two years of doctoral work at the University of Cambridge before transferring (1949) to the University of Birmingham, where he remained on the faculty until 1956. He later taught at the Universities of Chicago (195666) and Oxford (196690). In 1951 Dalitz demonstrated that the pi meson, an electrically neutral particle that carries the force that binds together the atomic nucleus, can decay into a photon and an electron-positron pair (the so-called Dalitz pair). In studying the decay of strange particles then known as tau and theta particles, which decayed, respectively, into three and two pi mesons, Dalitz in 1954 developed a two-dimensional plot on which it was possible to map decay outcomes. This plot seemed to show that theta and tau were the same particle, violating the theory of parity, but other physicists later used the Dalitz plot to show that in fact parity does not hold true for weak forces. Dalitz was awarded a Hughes Medal by the Royal Society in 1975.

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