Camara, Helder Pessoa

Camara, Helder Pessoa

      Brazilian prelate (b. Feb. 7, 1909, Fortaleza, Braz.—d. Aug. 27, 1999, Recife, Braz.), was one of the earliest campaigners for liberation theology, using his position of leadership in the Roman Catholic Church to urge the church not merely to provide charity and promise the poor an easier time in the afterlife, but to take part in the struggle to gain social justice for them. Known by his detractors as theRed Bishop,” he explained, “When I fed the poor, they called me a saint. When I asked, ‘Why are they poor?' they called me a Communist.” Câmara entered the seminary when he was 14 and was ordained when he was 22. Although he was already an advocate of social change, his anticommunist views led him at first to membership in the Integralist movement, a Brazilian party that had grown out of fascism, but he left it after a few years. Sent to Rio de Janeiro in 1936, Câmara was exposed to the extreme poverty of the favelas and began his crusade for the poor. He was named auxiliary bishop of Rio de Janeiro in 1952 and helped organize the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops, for which he served as general secretary for 11 years. During the second Vatican Council in Rome in 1963, Câmara called on his fellow bishops to give up their princely trappings and adopt simpler, humbler ones. Upon his becoming archbishop of Olinda and Recife the following year, he took up residence in a room behind a church. A few weeks later the military seized power in Brazil, and Câmara's efforts intensified. In 1968 he was a leader of a meeting of Latin American bishops in Colombia that produced documents asking for the church's solidarity with the poor. Câmara began receiving death threats after he traveled abroad to denounce the military government's repression, torture, and killing. Even though the government censored him, he gained international recognition and was nominated four times for the Nobel Prize for Peace. Câmara retired as archbishop in 1985 but continued his efforts to improve life for the less fortunate.

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Brazilian bishop
born Feb. 7, 1909, Fortaleza, Braz.
died Aug. 27, 1999, Olinda

      Roman Catholic prelate whose progressive views on social questions brought him into frequent conflict with Brazil's military rulers after 1964. Câmara was an early and important figure in the movement that came to be known as liberation theology in the late 1970s.

      Câmara was ordained a priest in 1931. In close collaboration with Monsignor Giovanni Montini (later Pope Paul VI (Paul VI)), Câmara founded the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops in October 1952, shortly after he had been named auxiliary bishop of Rio de Janeiro. He was also one of the organizers of the Latin-American Conference of Bishops. (The birth of liberation theology is usually dated to the second of these conferences, held in Medellín, Colombia, in 1968.) As general secretary of the Brazilian conference for 11 years, Câmara encouraged the Brazilian church to take an active role in promoting social change. His interest in the shantytown slums of Rio de Janeiro and his television sermons earned him renown as a champion of the poor.

      While attending the second Vatican Council (Vatican Council, Second), Câmara advocated a church that distributed its riches. He also encouraged bishops to eschew such titles as Eminence and to seek greater unity with the common people they served. Câmara followed these precepts; during his tenure as bishop he never lived in the episcopal palace, and he wore a simple brown cassock and a wooden cross in place of the formal garb and gold cross of a bishop.

      In 1964, two weeks before the military coup that ousted President João Goulart (Goulart, João), Pope Paul named Câmara archbishop of the poverty-stricken archdiocese of Olinda and Recife, where he immediately instituted social programs and spoke in favour of reform in weekly radio broadcasts. In a famous speech at Pernambuco in August 1967, Câmara angered local landlords and army officers by warning that only the social action of the church could ward off a violent revolution by the dispossessed. Government authorities began to harass Câmara actively in 1968, interfering with his ministry in the slums and condoning, possibly instigating, machine-gun attacks on his residence. The government also began to censor him. From 1968 until 1977 he was not allowed to broadcast on radio, and no information about him was printed by any Brazilian press. Still, Câmara continued in his own writings to attack the disparity in wealth between developed and underdeveloped nations and the prevalence of aninternal colonialismthat fostered disrespect for basic human rights.

      Upon Câmara's retirement in 1984, Pope John Paul II chose a more traditionally minded prelate to replace him. The Vatican believed that a return to more traditional thinking could curb the influence of liberation theology in Latin America and stem the large numbers of Latin-American Catholics who had converted to evangelical Protestantism during the 1970s and '80s. Although officially retired, Câmara remained active in his local church and committed to causes involving social justice.

      During his career Câmara was often accused of being a communist and was sometimes called theRed Bishop.” His reply was, “When I fed the poor, they called me a saint. When I askedWhy are they poor?' they called me a communist.” Câmara was the recipient of several peace prizes. His collected sermons and speeches on social issues were published as Revolução dentro da paz (1968; Revolution Through Peace).

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Universalium. 2010.

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