Arthur W. Burks — Arthur Walter Burks Arthur Walter Burks (* 13. Oktober 1915 in Duluth, Minnesota; † 14. Mai 2008 in Ann Arbor, Michigan) war ein US amerikanischer Mathematiker und Informatiker. Er war in den 1940er Jahren an der Entwicklung des … Deutsch Wikipedia
Arthur Burks — Arthur Walter Burks (October 13 1915 – May 14, 2008) was an American mathematician who in the 1940s as a senior engineer on the project contributed to the design of the ENIAC, the first general purpose electronic digital computer. Decades later,… … Wikipedia
Charles Sanders Peirce bibliography — C. S. Peirce articles General: Charles Sanders Peirce Charles Sanders Peirce bibliography Philosophical: Categories (Peirce) Semiotic elements and classes of signs (Peirce) Pragmatic maxim • Pragmaticism… … Wikipedia
Liste der Biografien/Bur — Biografien: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Deutsch Wikipedia
Herman Goldstine — Herman Heine Goldstine (September 13, 1913 ndash; June 16, 2004), mathematician, computer scientist and scientific administrator, was a one of the original developers of ENIAC, the first of the modern electronic digital computers. Personal… … Wikipedia
Herman Goldstine — Herman Heine Goldstine (13 de septiembre de 1913 – 16 de junio de 2004), matemático, informático y administrador científico, quien fue uno de los principales desarrolladores de ENIAC, el primer computador electrónico digital de propósito general … Wikipedia Español
List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1953 — 1953 U.S. and Canadian Fellows= * Robert Kemp Adair, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Physics, Yale University: 1953. * Luis Valentine Amador, Clinical Professor Emeritus of Neurological Surgery, Northwestern University: 1953. * Maynard Andrew… … Wikipedia
List of mathematicians (B) — NOTOC Bab * Babai, László (Hungary, 1950 ) * Babbage, Charles (England, 1791 1871) * Babuška, Ivo (Czech Republic, ? ) * Bacaloglu, Emanoil (Romania, 1830 1891) * Bach, Eric (?, ? ) * Bachelier, Louis Jean Baptiste Alphonse (France, 1870 1946) *… … Wikipedia
Smedley Butler — … Wikipedia
Guerras bananeras — Fachada de un antiguo edificio de la United Fruit Company en la avenida St. Charles de Nueva Orleans, Luisiana. Este artículo se refiere a los retos y hechos transcurridos entre Estados Unidos, Centroamérica y el Caribe entre 1898 y 1934. Para la … Wikipedia Español