Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Bibliotheca Alexandrina

      In a sense, all libraries serve a totemic function. They symbolize man's efforts to preserve knowledge, culture, and wisdom and transmit it to future generations. Large national libraries and university libraries are especially powerful symbols.

      No other library, however, has the totemic power of the lost ancient Library of Alexandria, Egypt. Though little is known with certainty about this wonder of the classical world, it has come to be viewed as a kind of scholarly Camelot. Sometime in the 3rd century BC, the library's founder, probably Ptolemy I Soter, began to collect all the written information from throughout the known world. In time, the library held 500,000or as many as 700,000papyrus documents, mainly in Greek, including the works of Plato, Socrates, Thucydides, Euclid, Hippocrates, and Sophocles. The library at Alexandria was the world's first think tank, providing a home for many of the greatest minds of the time. Euclid completed his seminal Elements there; Eratosthenes accurately calculated the circumference of the Earth.

      The circumstances of the library's destruction are still a mystery. Scholarly guesses on the date of its loss range from 48 BC to AD 600. Despiteor because ofthe many unknowns, fascination with the institution has persisted for nearly two millennia.

      In 2001 construction was completed on a new Library of Alexandria, officially known as the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Scholars around the world are transfixed by the dramatic architecture and the hope that the $200 million structure will recapture the glory of the original. The design has drawn worldwide praise. Essentially, it is a massive cylinder, emerging from the ground at a shallow angle only about 40 m (130 ft) from the sea. The disk-shaped roof suggests the sun rising over the Mediterranean, and the roof pattern of aluminum and glass panels resembles a microchip. One outer wall of the structure is made up of some 6,400 granite panels bearing characters from all the known alphabets. The symbolism of these elements seems ideal.

      The Bibliotheca will ultimately house four million volumes on seven cascading levels. The collection will be shelved with the oldest materials on the lowest level, forming a metaphoric foundation for later works. In addition, the library will house a planetarium, a school of library and information science, facilities for the digital preservation of rare books and manuscripts, and a conference centre. The new library will be the most modern facility in the region and will surely become a key node in the expanding Internet.

      Despite the allure of the library's revival, critics point to difficulties that may compromise the institution's success. The greatest concern is inadequate funding for maintenance and collections. An architect from the Norwegian firm that designed the library has questioned the lack of funding for upkeep of the spectacular structure. The library will open with a collection of some 400,000 books, many donated but some inappropriate to the library's interests. Moreover, during 2001 the Egyptian government banned some publications that Islamic fundamentalists found objectionable. It remains to be seen if potential difficulties such as these will undermine either the reality or the symbolism of the library. The official inauguration of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina is set for April 23, 2002.

Thomas M. Gaughan

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research institution, Alexandria, Egypt
 research institution in Alexandria, Egypt, that took its inspiration from the Library of Alexandria (Alexandria, Library of) of Classical times.

      The idea of reviving the ancient library was first proposed in 1972 by Mostafa El-Abbadi, a professor at Alexandria University. The Egyptian government decided to sponsor the project, and it received international publicity and support through UNESCO. A site was selected adjacent to Alexandria University and near the location of the ancient library.

      Construction of the $200 million structure was completed in 2001, and the library's design drew worldwide praise. Essentially, the library is a massive cylinder emerging from the ground at a shallow angle only about 130 feet (40 metres) from the Mediterranean Sea. The disk-shaped roof suggests the sun rising over the Mediterranean, and the roof pattern of aluminum and glass panels resembles a microchip. One outer wall of the structure is made up of some 6,400 granite panels bearing characters from all the known alphabets.

      The complex was officially opened on Oct. 16, 2002. The library was designed to house eight million volumes on seven cascading levels. The collection is shelved with the oldest materials on the lowest level, forming a metaphoric foundation for later works. In addition, the library houses a planetarium, a school of library and information science, facilities for the digital preservation of rare books and manuscripts, and a conference centre.

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