
Zeljko Raznatovic 
      Serbian paramilitary leader (b. April 17, 1952, Brezice, Sloveniad. Jan. 15, 2000, Belgrade, Yugos.), was head of the Serbian Volunteer Guard, a paramilitary force known as the Tigers that was accused of committing atrocities during the wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the first half of the 1990s. While still a teenager, he allegedly became a hit man for the Yugoslav secret police. During the 1970s and early 1980s, he was involved in criminal activities across Western Europe, including bank and jewelry theft. Despite a number of convictions, he managed to escape from jails in Belgium, The Netherlands, and Germany. By 1990 he had begun organizing the Tigers. Among the force's alleged crimes were the massacre of more than 250 Croat civilians during a siege of Vukovar in eastern Croatia in 1991 and the slaughter of some 1,000 Muslims in the eastern Bosnian towns of Bijeljina and Zvornik the following year. Celebrated as a hero among Serbs, Arkan was elected to the Serbian parliament in 1992 and launched the ultranationalist Serbian Unity Party. In 1997 the UN's International War Crimes Tribunal indicted him for crimes against humanity. He was shot dead by masked gunmen in the lobby of the Intercontinental Hotel in Belgrade.

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