varicose vein

varicose vein

Twisted vein distended with blood.

Varix also covers arteries and lymphatic vessels (see lymphatic system). Varicose veins occur mostly in the legs, when malfunctioning valves let blood pool in veins near the skin. Causes include hereditary valve and vein wall weakness and internal or external pressure on veins. Varices are common in pregnancy, suggesting that hormone abnormalities play a role. Symptoms include a heavy feeling, with leg cramps and swelling after standing a long time. Complications include skin ulcers and thrombosis. Treatment involves strong support hose, injection therapy, or surgery. Varices in the esophagus, which often occur in liver disease, can ulcerate and bleed. See also hemorrhoid.

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▪ medical disorder
also called  varix  

       vein that is twisted and distended with blood. The term varix is also used for similar abnormalities in arteries and in lymphatic vessels. Varicose veins occur in a number of areas, including the legs, the esophagus, the spermatic veins (which return blood from the testes; varicose veins in this area cause a mass in the scrotum that is called a varicocele), around the rectum or anus (hemorrhoids (hemorrhoid)), the veins of the broad ligaments (i.e., folds of peritoneal membrane) that extend from the uterus to the walls of the pelvis, and the veins of the urinary bladder.

      Varicose veins in the legs, by far the most common location, result from malfunctioning of the valves in the veins. These valves normally prevent blood from reversing its flow after the movement of the leg muscles has forced the blood upward and from superficial veins to the deep veins. When the valves do not function properly, the blood collects in the superficial veins, distending and twisting them. Weakness of the valves and of the walls of the veins may be inherited. Hormones also play a role in the development of varicose veins, which explains the increase in the number of varices that occurs during pregnancy and menopause.

      Symptoms include a sensation of heaviness and a tendency for the leg muscles to cramp while one is standing. The feet and legs swell at the end of the day. The skin may be inflamed and moist, a condition called weeping eczema. Ulcers may appear around the ankles, and clots may develop in the diseased blood vessels ( thrombophlebitis).

      Treatment consists of the use of elastic bandages or strong support hose; sclerotherapy, which involves the injection of a solution that closes the vein, causing blood to be rerouted to healthier veins; and surgical treatment, which may consist of removing the affected veins (e.g., vein stripping) or closing the veins endoscopically or with the use of lasers.

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Universalium. 2010.

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