Sophists — • A group of Greek teachers who flourished at the end of the fifth century B.C Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sophists Sophists … Catholic encyclopedia
Sophists (The) — The sophists G. B. Kerferd In the fifth century BC the term sophistēs was used in Greece as a name to designate a particular profession, that of certain travelling teachers who went from city to city giving lectures and providing instruction in a … History of philosophy
Sophists — Although the term originally applied to generally wise men, it was applied by Plato to various teachers of whom he disapproved, including Protagoras, Gorgias, Thrasymachus, and Hippias of Elis. Plato generally treats them as charlatans who talked … Philosophy dictionary
SOPHISTS — a sect of thinkers that arose in Greece, and whose radical principle it was that we have only a subjective knowledge of things, and that we have no knowledge at all of objective reality, that things are as they seem to us, and that we have no… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
SOPHISTS — wandering teachers of RHETORIC and PHILOSOPHY in the Greaco Roman world. They rejected all RELIGION and gave rationalistic explanations to natural phenomena upholding ETHICAL and SOCIAL RELATIVISM … Concise dictionary of Religion
sophists — Soph·ist || sÉ’fɪst n. ancient Greek teacher of philosophy; one who is skilled in devious argumentation … English contemporary dictionary
sophists — plural of sophist … Useful english dictionary
Lives of the Sophists — is the title of at least two different works:* a book by Eunapius * a book by Philostratus … Wikipedia
Sophist — Sophists … Philosophy dictionary
sophist — /sof ist/, n. 1. (often cap.) Gk. Hist. a. any of a class of professional teachers in ancient Greece who gave instruction in various fields, as in general culture, rhetoric, politics, or disputation. b. a person belonging to this class at a later … Universalium