
(Latin; "first one," "leader")

Unofficial title used by Roman emperors from Augustus (r. 27 BC–AD 14) to Diocletian (r. 284–305), a period called the principate.

The title originated during the Roman republic, when it was held by the leading member of the Senate. Its use by Augustus strengthened his claim to be the restorer of republican institutions and virtues, though he and his successors were in fact autocrats. See also prince.

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▪ ancient Roman title
Latin“first one,” or “leader”

      the unofficial title used by the Roman emperors from Augustus (reigned 27 BC–AD 14) to Diocletian (reigned AD 284–305). Thus this period in Roman history is known as the principate (principatus), whereas the government of the empire under Diocletian and his successors is known as the dominate, from dominus (“lord,” or “master”).

      The title princeps originated under the Roman Republic, when it was held by the leading member of the Senate (princeps senatus). Thus, Augustus' use of the title lent plausibility to his claim to be the restorer of republican institutions vitiated during the civil wars of the 1st century BC. In fact, he had replaced the oligarchy of the republic with his own autocratic rule. Under his successors principatus soon did come to mean autocracy. This usage gave rise to the medieval title “prince.”

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Universalium. 2010.

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