

In Venezuela, a person of mixed African, European, and Indian ancestry.

In the colonial period, pardos, like all nonwhites, were kept in a state of servitude, with no hope of gaining wealth or political power. Nevertheless, most pardos remained royalists during much of the war for independence because they relied on Spain for protection in their conflicts with the Venezuelan-born whites, toward whom the European Spaniards took a superior attitude. In Brazil a pardo is a person of mixed European and African descent.
(as used in expressions)
brown lung disease
Brown Capability
Lancelot Brown
Brown Charles Brockden
Brown Clifford
Brown Ford Madox
Brown George
Brown James
Brown Jim
James Nathaniel Brown
Brown John
Brown Joseph Rogers
Brown Molly
Brown Robert
Brown William Wells
Durand Asher Brown
Hayes Brown Helen
Radcliffe Brown Alfred Reginald
Betye Irene Brown
James Ewell Brown Stuart
Browning Elizabeth Barrett
Browning Robert
Browning Tod
Charles Albert Browning

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