new religious movement (NRM)
- new religious movement (NRM)
Any religion originating in recent centuries having characteristic traits including eclecticism and syncretism, a leader who claims extraordinary powers, and a "countercultural" aspect.
Regarded as outside the mainstream of society,
NRMs in the West are extremely diverse but include millennialist movements (
the Jehovah'
s Witnesses),
Westernized Hindu or Buddhist movements (
the Hare Krishna movement),
so-called "
groups (
and nature religions (
see Neo-Paganism).
In the East they include China'
s 19th-
century Taiping movement (
see Taiping rebellion)
and present-
day Falun Gong movement,
s Tenrikyo and PL Kyodan,
and Korea'
s Ch'
ondogyo and Unification Church.
Some NRMs fade away or meet tragic ends;
such as the Mormon church,
eventually become accepted as mainstream.
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