
Rock composed of a metamorphic host material that is streaked or veined with granite; the name means "mixed rock.

" Many migmatites probably represent partial fusion of the metamorphic host; some components of the rock are fused and gather to produce the streaks of granite. Migmatite also can form near large intrusions of granite when some of the magma is injected into neighbouring metamorphic rocks.

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      in geology, rock composed of a metamorphic (altered) host material that is streaked or veined with granite rock; the name means “mixed rock.” Such rocks are usually gneissic (banded) and felsic rather than mafic in composition; they may occur on a regional scale in areas of high-grade metamorphism.

      Many migmatites probably represent the partial fusion of the metamorphic host during extreme metamorphism; the components of the rock with the lower melting temperatures are fused and gather to produce the streaks of granite. The migmatites of some Precambrian metamorphic terrains may be the result of this process. Migmatite also can form near large intrusions of granite when some of the magma is injected into the neighbouring metamorphic rocks.

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