Liberalism — • A free way of thinking and acting in private and public life Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Liberalism Liberalism † … Catholic encyclopedia
theological liberalism — ▪ religion a form of religious thought that establishes religious inquiry on the basis of a norm other than the authority of tradition. It was an important influence in Protestantism from about the mid 17th century through the 1920s.… … Universalium
theological — adj. Theological is used with these nouns: ↑belief, ↑college, ↑controversy, ↑conviction, ↑debate, ↑dispute, ↑education, ↑enquiry, ↑implication, ↑interpretation, ↑justification, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
liberalism — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ radical ▪ bourgeois ▪ laissez faire ▪ classical, traditional ▪ modern … Collocations dictionary
Association for Theological Education in South East Asia — The Association for Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA) is an organisation of seminaries and other tertiary institutes of theology. It is based in Manila, Philippines and currently networks 102 member institutions and schools in 16… … Wikipedia
Adventist Theological Society — The Adventist Theological Society (ATS) is an international nonprofit organization of Seventh day Adventist scholars and lay people. The society holds its annual meeting in connection with the Evangelical Theological Society. It describes its… … Wikipedia
Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York — is a preeminent independent graduate school of theology, located in Manhattan between Claremont Avenue and Broadway, 120th to 122nd Streets. The seminary was founded in 1836 under the Presbyterian Church [ [ … Wikipedia
congregationalism — congregationalist, n., adj. /kong gri gay sheuh nl iz euhm/, n. 1. a form of Protestant church government in which each local religious society is independent and self governing. 2. (cap.) the system of government and doctrine of Congregational… … Universalium
New traditionalism — is considered to be a new phase of traditionalism that appeared in the late 20th through early 21st centuries. Its beliefs are constantly in conflict with secular liberalism. However, Jeffrey Stout has written a book about an alternate philosophy … Wikipedia
Soden, Hermann, Freiherr (baron) von — ▪ German biblical scholar born Aug. 16, 1852, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. died Jan. 15, 1914, Berlin, Ger. German biblical scholar who established a new theory of textual history of the New Testament. Educated at the University of Tübingen … Universalium