
(from Latin lectum sternere, "to spread a couch") Ancient Greek and Roman rite in which a meal was offered to gods and goddesses whose images were laid on a couch placed in the street.

When it originated in Greece, couches were prepared for three pairs of gods: Apollo and Latona, Heracles and Diana, and Mercury and Neptune. During the feast, which lasted seven or eight days, citizens kept open house, debtors and prisoners were released, and every effort was made to banish sorrow. Other gods were later honoured with the same rite. In Christian times, the word was used for a feast in memory of the dead.

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ancient Greek and Roman rite
      (from Latin lectum sternere, “to spread a couch”), ancient Greek and Roman rite in which a meal was offered to gods and goddesses whose representations were laid upon a couch positioned in the open street. On the first occasion of the rite, which originated in Greece, couches were prepared for three pairs of gods: Apollo and Latona, Hercules and Diana, Mercury and Neptune. The feast, lasting for seven or eight days, was also celebrated by private individuals; the citizens kept open house, debtors and prisoners were released, and everything was done to banish sorrow. In later times, similar honours were paid to other divinities. The rite largely replaced the old Roman epulum and daps, in which the god was not visibly represented. In Christian times, the word was used for a feast in memory of the dead.

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