learned helplessness

learned helplessness
In psychology, a mental state in which a laboratory subject forced to bear aversive stimuli becomes unable or unwilling to avoid subsequent applications, even if they are "escapable," presumably through having learned that situational control is generally out of one's hands.

Experiments, first on dogs and later on humans, led some researchers, including Martin E.P. Seligman (b. 1942) in Helplessness (1975), to believe that chronic failure, depression, and similar conditions are forms of learned helplessness. Critics have argued that different conclusions can be drawn from such tests and that broad generalizations are unwarranted.

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  • Learned helplessness — is a psychological condition in which a human being or an animal has learned to act or behave helpless in a particular situation, even when it has the power to change its unpleasant or even harmful circumstance. Learned helplessness theory is the …   Wikipedia

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  • learned — learnedly, adv. learnedness, n. /lerr nid/ for 1 3; /lerrnd/ for 4, adj. 1. having much knowledge; scholarly; erudite: learned professors. 2. connected or involved with the pursuit of knowledge, esp. of a scholarly nature: a learned journal. 3.… …   Universalium

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  • helplessness — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ complete, utter ▪ learned (esp. AmE) PHRASES ▪ a feeling of helplessness, a sense of helplessness ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • learned — adj. Learned is used with these nouns: ↑helplessness, ↑journal, ↑judge …   Collocations dictionary

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