intestate succession

intestate succession
In the law of inheritance, transmission of property or property interests of a decedent as provided by statute, as distinguished from transfer according to the decedent's will.

Modern laws of intestacy, though they vary widely, share the common principle that the estate should devolve upon persons standing in some kinship relation with the decedent; modern practice tends to favour the rights of the surviving spouse.

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      in the law of inheritance, succession to property that has not been disposed of by a valid last will or testament. Although laws governing intestate succession vary widely in different jurisdictions, they share the common principle that the estate should devolve upon persons standing in some kinship relation with the decedent. Modern laws of intestacy have tended not to emphasize the traditional concern that property be kept within the bloodline through which it came to the decedent. Modern practice also tends to favour the rights of the surviving spouse, whether or not he or she is regarded as kin, and (in most jurisdictions) to ease restrictions on inheritance by illegitimate children.

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  • intestate succession — see succession Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. intestate succession …   Law dictionary

  • intestate succession — Succession or inheritance from a person who dies without leaving a valid or operative will. Not a natural or inherent right. 23 Am J2dDesc&D§11 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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  • intestate — To die without a will. A person is said to die intestate when he dies without making a will, or dies without leaving anything to testify what his wishes were with respect to the disposal of his property after his death. Under such circumstances,… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • SUCCESSION — SUCCESSION, devolution of the deceased person s property on his legal heirs. Order of Succession The Pentateuchal source of the order of succession is If a man die and have no son, then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his daughter.… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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