fraternity and sorority

fraternity and sorority
Social, professional, or honorary societies for males and females, respectively.

Most such organizations use combinations of letters of the Greek alphabet as names. Many social organizations at U.S. colleges and universities are residential and require new members ("pledges") to partake in initiation rites. Certain honorary societies, such as Phi Beta Kappa, are also called fraternities; membership is based on general undergraduate scholarship. See also secret society.

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      in the United States, social, professional, or honorary societies, for males and females, respectively. Most such organizations draw their membership primarily from college or university students. With few exceptions, fraternities and sororities use combinations of letters of the Greek alphabet as names.

      The basic function of the social fraternity is to serve as a collegiatehomeand dormitory for its members, but the emphasis varies from school to school. At some universities Greek-letter societies are the nucleus of campus political and social life, while at others fraternities and sororities are barely tolerated or barred altogether. During the student unrest of the late 1960s, criticism of such societies was especially widespread, and many were forced to close for lack of pledges. More recently, however, with the rising cost of university education, fraternities and sororities have returned to favour because they are able through communal living to keep the cost of room and board at a minimum.

      The membership of professional fraternities is limited to students and faculty members engaged in a particular field of specialization. Membership qualifications are broader than for the social groups and emphasize activities designed to develop professional competency rather than social life. The first professional fraternity, Kappa Lambda, was founded in 1819 for medical students.

      Perhaps the leading honorary society today is Phi Beta Kappa, which began as a social fraternity at William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va., in 1776. Membership is now based on general scholarship and is open to both men and women. The oldest social fraternity still in existence as such is Kappa Alpha, begun in 1825 at Union College, Schenectady, N.Y.

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Universalium. 2010.

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