art brut

art brut
(French; "raw art")

Art produced by people outside the established art world, particularly crude, inexperienced, or obscene works created by the untrained or the mentally ill.

The term was coined by Jean Dubuffet, who regarded such works as the purest form of expression. See also naive art.

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      (French:raw art”), art of the French painter Jean Dubuffet (Dubuffet, Jean), who in the 1940s promoted art that is crude, inexperienced, and even obscene. Dubuffet, the most important French artist to emerge after World War II, became interested in the art of the mentally ill in mid-career, after studying The Art of the Insane by the Swiss psychiatrist Hans Prinzhorn. Dubuffet applied the name art brut to the drawings, paintings, and doodlings of the psychotic, the naive, and the primitive, works that he regarded as the purest forms of creative expression. Like the early Cubists' discovery of primitive Oceanian and African sculpture, Dubuffet's study of this type of art gave him the inspiration he sought for his own art, as it represented for him the most authentic expression of emotion and human values.

      Originally inspired by the childlike art of the Swiss painter Paul Klee (Klee, Paul), from the 1940s on, Dubuffet's paintings emulated the sincerity and naiveté that he associated with real art brut. The first of these works shows a childlike vision of humanity and civilization, with bright, gay colours and naive drawing. Later works, passionate and primitive, sometimes pathetic, sometimes obscene, incorporate forms derived from graffiti and psychotic art; painted in thick impasto or constructed in collage, these densely detailed and intensely expressive works convey a sense of teeming life and brutal force.

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Universalium. 2010.

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