active galactic nucleus

active galactic nucleus
Small region at the centre of a galaxy that emits a prodigious amount of energy in the form of radio, optical, X-ray, or gamma radiation or high-speed particle jets.

Many classes of "active galaxies" have been identified; they appear similar in many respects to quasars. Astronomers suspect that the observed energy is generated as matter accretes onto a supermassive black hole with a mass millions or even billions of times that of the Sun. The accreting matter can outshine the rest of the galaxy as it is heated in very high-speed collisions outside the black hole's event horizon. It is believed that many galaxies harbour these central black holes and that they might have been quasars in their early history, although they now appear to be dormant unless orbiting matter is accreting onto the black hole.

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      small region at the centre of a galaxy that emits a prodigious amount of energy in the form of radio, optical, X-ray, or gamma radiation (gamma ray) or high-speed particle jets. Many classes ofactive galaxieshave been identifiedfor example, quasars (quasar), radio galaxies (galaxy), and Seyfert galaxies (Seyfert galaxy). The observed energy is generated as matter accretes onto a supermassive black hole with a mass millions or even billions of times that of the Sun. The accreting matter can outshine the rest of the galaxy as it is heated in very high-speed collisions outside the black hole's event horizon. It is believed that many galaxies harbour these central black holes and that they might have been quasars in their early history, although they now appear to be dormant unless orbiting matter is accreting onto the black hole.

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Universalium. 2010.

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