Ypres, Battles of

Ypres, Battles of
Three costly battles in World War I in western Flanders.

In the first battle (Oct. 12Nov. 11, 1914), the Germans were stopped on their march to the sea, but the Allied forces were then surrounded on three sides. The second battle (April 22May 25, 1915) marked the Germans' first use of poison gas as a weapon. In the third and longest battle (July 31Nov. 6, 1917), also called the Battle of Passchendaele, the British were initially successful in breaking through the left wing of the German lines. The seasonal rains soon turned the Flanders countryside into an impassable swamp, but Gen. Douglas Haig persisted in his offensive. On November 6 Haig's troops, including the Canadian Corps, occupied the ruins of Passchendaele, barely five miles from the start of the offensive. Total Allied and German casualties exceeded 850,000, including the deaths of 325,000 British soldiers.

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  • Ypres — Fr. /ee prddeu/; Brit. or facetious /wuy peuhrz/, n. a town in W Belgium: battles 1914 18. 34,758. Flemish, Ieper. * * * ▪ Belgium (French), Flemish  Ieper   municipality, West Flanders province (province), western Be …   Universalium

  • Ypres — noun 1. battle in World War I (1917); an Allied offensive which eventually failed because tanks bogged down in the waterlogged soil of Flanders; Germans introduced mustard gas which interfered with the Allied artillery • Syn: ↑battle of Ypres,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ypres — /ˈiprə/ (say eepruh) noun 1. a town in Belgium, in western Flanders. 2. Battle of, one of the five major battles between Allied and German forces that took place near this town during World War I: in October–November 1914, April–May 1915,… …  

  • Ypres — Y|pres a town in southern Belgium where three great battles took place in World War I. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died in these battles, but neither side gained much advantage. British soldiers called it Wipers …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Ypres — town, NW Belgium; site of three major battles of World War I, 1914, 1915, 1917; pop. 21,000 …   Webster's Gazetteer

  • Ypres — n. town in southwestern Belgium, site of three major World War I battles …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Ypres — Y•pres fr. [[t]ˈi prə[/t]] n. geg a town in W Belgium: battles 1914–18. 34,758 flem., Ieper …   From formal English to slang

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