Wedemeyer, Albert C(oady)
- Wedemeyer, Albert C(oady)
died Dec. 17, 1989, Ft. Belvoir, Va.
U.S. army officer.
He graduated from West Point and served in China,
the Philippines,
and Europe until World War II.
As a staff officer in the war-
plans division of the U.
War Department (
he was the principal author of the 1941 Victory Program for U.
entry into the war and helped plan strategies such as the Normandy Campaign.
He became chief of staff to Gen.
Chiang Kai-shek and commander of U.
forces in China (
He retired in 1951 and was promoted to general in 1954.
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Wedemeyer, Albert C(oady) — (9 jul. 1897, Omaha, Neb., EE.UU.–17 dic. 1989, Ft. Belvoir, Va.). Oficial de ejército estadounidense. Egresó de West Point y prestó servicios en China, Filipinas y Europa hasta la segunda guerra mundial. Como oficial asignado a la división de… … Enciclopedia Universal
Albert — Albert, Catalina * * * (as used in expressions) Achebe, (Albert) Chinua(lumogu) Barnes, Albert C(oombs) Beveridge, Albert J(eremiah) Bierstadt, Albert Billroth, (Christian Albert) Theodor Blakeslee, Albert Francis Brisbane, Albert Charles Albert… … Enciclopedia Universal