Verres, Gaius

Verres, Gaius
born с 115
died 43 BC

Roman magistrate.

As quaestor, Verres embezzled funds. He helped the governor of Cilicia, Gaius Dolabella, plunder the province (80–78), and then he helped convict Dolabella at Rome. He became praetor by bribery and abused his power. As governor of Sicily (73–71) his corruption was extreme; he was prosecuted so effectively by Cicero (70) that his lawyer had no reply. He fled into exile but was murdered, perhaps at the orders of Mark Antony, who then acquired his art collection.

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▪ Roman magistrate
born c. 115 BC
died 43

      Roman magistrate notorious for his misgovernment of Sicily. His trial exposed the extent of official corruption in the Roman provinces during the late republic.

      Verres was the son of an undistinguished senator. He became quaestor (financial administrator) to the consul Gnaeus Carbo (Carbo, Gnaeus Papirius), and, when civil war broke out in 83 BC, he embezzled military funds and joined the forces of Lucius Cornelius Sulla (Sulla, Lucius Cornelius). In 80 Verres was legate (senior officer) on the staff of Gnaeus Cornelius Dolabella, governor of Cilicia. Together they plundered the provincials until, in 78, Dolabella was tried at Rome and convicted, mainly on Verres' evidence. In 74 Verres used lavish bribery to obtain the city praetorship (the highest office after the consulship) and then abused his authority for personal gain.

      He was next sent as proconsul (governor) to Sicily (73–71). Although corrupt governors were by no means rare, Verres was clearly remarkable for the extent to which he extorted bribes, juggled with the requisition of grain, looted works of art, and arbitrarily executed provincials and Roman citizens. He returned to Rome in 70, and, in the same year, at the Sicilians' request, Cicero (Cicero, Marcus Tullius) prosecuted him.

      In 70 the consuls were Cicero's patron, Pompey (Pompey the Great), and the wealthy Marcus Crassus (Crassus, Marcus Licinius). Although both men had risen to power under Sulla, they used their joint consulship to abrogate much of Sulla's system. Publicity about senatorial corruption was useful in undermining public confidence in the courts, which had been assigned to the senatorial order by Sulla. Verres' advocate, Quintus Hortensius Hortalus (Hortensius Hortalus, Quintus), had been elected consul for 69 and tried to drag the trial out until he was in that position. So effective was Cicero's first brief speech and the testimony of his witnesses that Hortensius refused to respond and persuaded his client to go into exile in Massilia (now Marseille). In return, Cicero agreed to a low assessment of the damages to be paid his Sicilian clients. He also published the second part of what came to be called his Verrine Orations. (Only the speech of the first part was actually delivered.) The complete Verrines drove home the evidence for senatorial corruption and are modern historians' best source for studying the workings of Roman provincial administration in the late republic. (They were also the model for Edmund Burke (Burke, Edmund)'s prosecution of Warren Hastings in 1788–95 for maladministration in British India.) After Verres' administration, Sicily ceased to be Rome's main source for grain. Verres was executed in 43 because, it is said, Mark Antony (Antony, Mark) coveted the works of art Verres had stolen while he was proconsul in Sicily.

E. Badian

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Universalium. 2010.

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