Vanderlyn, John

Vanderlyn, John
born Oct. 15, 1776, Kingston, N.Y., U.S.
died Sept. 23, 1852, Kingston

U.S. painter.

He studied with Gilbert Stuart and later at the École des Beaux-Arts. He remained in Paris, where he enjoyed great popularity for his paintings in the Neoclassical style (including Ariadne Asleep on Naxos, 1812). At age 40 he returned to the U.S., but failing to receive the federal commissions he had anticipated, he retired embittered to Kingston. In 1832 he finally received a government commission for a full-length portrait of George Washington and in 1839 another for The Landing of Columbus in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda.

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American painter
born Oct. 15, 1776, Kingston, N.Y., U.S.
died Sept. 23, 1852, Kingston

      U.S. painter and one of the first American artists to study in Paris. He was largely responsible for introducing the Neoclassical style to the United States.

      As a young man Vanderlyn copied a Gilbert Stuart portrait of Aaron Burr that attracted the attention of Burr. He sponsored Vanderlyn's artistic training, first with Stuart and then, in 1796, at the École des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Vanderlyn returned to New York in 1801, where he did paintings of Niagara Falls. In 1803 Vanderlyn was able to return to Europe, and his best work was done during this period. Vanderlyn returned to the U.S. when he was 40 years of age, and the treatment accorded him was a bitter contrast to his European successes. He did not receive the federal commissions for which he had been hoping. Expecting to duplicate the European popularity of panoramas, he installed his 3,000-foot Palace and Gardens of Versailles (181619; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City) and other works in a rotunda built at his own expense on land leased from the city of New York. Vanderlyn realized little income from the project, and he was embittered when ten years later the city cancelled his lease. He retired to Kingston, N.Y., and supported himself by painting uninspired portraits that were hardly recognizable as coming from his hand. In 1832 he finally received a commission from the U.S. government: a full-length portrait of George Washington (Capitol, Washington, D.C.). Ten years later he received another:Landing of Columbus” (184244; Capitol Rotunda, Washington, D.C.).

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  • Vanderlyn, John — (15 oct. 1776, Kingston, N.Y., EE.UU.–23 sep. 1852, Kingston). Pintor estadounidense. Estudió con Gilbert Stuart y posteriormente en la école des Beaux Arts. Permaneció en París, donde gozó de gran popularidad con sus pinturas de estilo… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • John Vanderlyn — (October 18, 1775 ndash; September 23, 1852) was a American neoclassicist painter, was born at Kingston, New York.He was employed by a print seller in New York, and was first instructed in art by Archibald Robinson (1765 1835), a Scotsman who was …   Wikipedia

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