Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)
- Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)
Organized in Jamaica,
it was influential in urban African American neighbourhoods in the U.
after Garvey'
s arrival in New York City in 1916.
It was dedicated to racial pride,
economic self-
and the formation of an independent black nation in Africa.
After Garvey'
s 1923 conviction on charges of fraud,
the UNIA lost influence,
but it proved to be a forerunner of black nationalism.
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Universal Negro Improvement Association — and African Communities League Pour les articles homonymes, voir UNIA. Marcus Garvey en 1924. La Universal … Wikipédia en Français
Universal negro improvement association and african communities league — Pour les articles homonymes, voir UNIA. Marcus Garvey en 1924. La Universal … Wikipédia en Français
Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League — The Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA) is an international self help organization founded by Marcus Garvey. It was originally chartered under the name Universal Negro Improvement and Conservation… … Wikipedia
Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League — Pour les articles homonymes, voir UNIA. Marcus Garvey en 1924. L Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA) est une organisation nationaliste noire int … Wikipédia en Français
Universal Negro Improvement Association — Flagge der UNIA von 1920 Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, kurz UNIA ACL oder UNIA, ist eine panafrikanistische Organisation, die 1. Oktober 1914 in Jamaika von Marcus Garvey gegründet wurde. Sie befürwortete … Deutsch Wikipedia
Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League — Flagge der UNIA von 1920 Die Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, kurz UNIA ACL, wurde am 1. Oktober 1914 als die weltweite Interessenvertretung aller Schwarzen gegründet. Ihr Begründer ist Marcus Garvey. Als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Universal Negro Improvement Association — primarily in the United States, organization founded by Marcus Garvey (Garvey, Marcus) (q.v.), dedicated to racial pride, economic self sufficiency, and the formation of an independent black nation in Africa. Though Garvey had founded the UNIA… … Universalium
United Negro Improvement Association — Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League Pour les articles homonymes, voir UNIA. Marcus Garvey en 1924. La Universal … Wikipédia en Français
UNIA — Las siglas UNIA se pueden referir a: La Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. La Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía. La Asociación Universal para la Mejora del Hombre Negro (Universal Negro Improvement Association). Unia, un… … Wikipedia Español
UNIA — Universal Negro Improvement Association (Community » Non Profit Organizations) Universal Negro Improvement Association (Community » Unions) … Abbreviations dictionary