
Ancient Maya ruins, north-central Guatemala.

One of the oldest known centres of Maya civilization, it was occupied in the 1st millennium BC; by с 300 BCс AD 100 a number of ceremonial buildings had been erected, including a temple reminiscent of the more ancient Olmec civilization. Major remains predate the Classic period (AD 100900). In the 9th century it declined, as did other southern lowland Maya centres, and was abandoned in the 10th century.

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archaeological site, Guatemala
  ruined ancient Mayan (Maya) city of the southern lowlands, located in what is now north-central Guatemala, about 12 miles (20 km) north of the ancient Mayan city of Tikal. Uaxactún was a ceremonial centre of only modest size, compared with Tikal, but it has been important in Mayan archaeology because intensive excavations made there by archaeologists of the Carnegie Institution of Washington established the first sequence of successive Mayan ceramic styles for the Formative through Classic periods, approximately 300 BCAD 900; before radiocarbon dating became common, such sequences were the most reliable way to place archaeological sites and cultures in chronological order.

      Occupation of the Uaxactún site began in the Middle Formative Period (900300 BC) of Mayan culture, and before the close of the Late Formative Period (300 BCAD 100) a number of ceremonial buildings had been erected, including a temple with giant stucco masks reminiscent of the more ancient Olmec civilization. Uaxactún may have been important as an astrological site. As in Tikal, the major constructions date from the Classic Period (AD 100900). In the 9th century, Uaxactún shared in the general decline of other southern lowland Mayan centres, and it was abandoned in the 10th century.

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