Tussaud, Marie

Tussaud, Marie
orig. Marie Grosholtz

born Dec. 1, 1761, Strasbourg, France
died April 16, 1850, London, Eng.

French British founder of Madame Tussaud's museum of wax figures in London.

From 1780 until the French Revolution, she served as art tutor to Louis XVI's sister. During the Reign of Terror she made death masks from heads
frequently those of her friends
freshly severed by the guillotine. In 1802 she moved to Britain with her collection of wax models. Her museum contains a variety of historical figures, including the original models she made of her great contemporaries, including Voltaire and Benjamin Franklin. By the turn of the 21st century, branches of her museum were located throughout the world.

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French modeler
original name  Marie Grosholtz 
born Dec. 1, 1761, Strasbourg, France
died April 16, 1850, London, Eng.
 French-born founder of Madame Tussaud's museum of wax figures (wax sculpture), in central London.

      Her early life was spent first in Bern and then in Paris, where she learned the art of wax modeling from Philippe Curtius, whose two celebrated wax museums she inherited upon his death in 1794. From 1780 until the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, she served as art tutor at Versailles to Louis XVI's sister, Madame Élisabeth, and she was later imprisoned as a royalist. According to her memoirs, during the Reign of Terror she had the gruesome responsibility of making death masks from headsfrequently those of her friendsfreshly severed by the guillotine.

      Her marriage in 1795 to François Tussaud, an engineer from Mâcon, was not a success; and in 1802 she took her two sons and her collection of wax models to England. She toured the British Isles for 33 years before finally establishing a permanent home in Baker Street, London, where she worked until eight years before her death. (In 1884 Madame Tussaud's moved to the Marylebone Road, London.)

      Madame Tussaud's museum is topical as well as historical and includes both the famous and the infamous. Notorious characters and the relics of famous crimes are segregated in theChamber of Horrors,” a name coined jokingly by a contributor to Punch in 1845. Many of the original models made by Marie Tussaud of her great contemporaries, including Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, Horatio Nelson, and Sir Walter Scott, are still preserved.

Additional Reading
Pamela M. Pilbeam, Madame Tussaud and the History of Waxworks (2002); Kate Berridge, Waxing Mythical: The Life and Legend of Madame Tussaud (2006).

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