Trenton and Princeton, Battles of

Trenton and Princeton, Battles of
(177677) Engagements won by the Continental Army in the American Revolution.

Defeats in New York forced the army under George Washington to retreat through New Jersey into Pennsylvania. On Dec. 25, 1776, Washington led a force of 6,000 troops across the ice-filled Delaware River to surprise the 1,400-man British-Hessian force at Trenton, N.J., and captured 900 troops. A British force of 7,000 troops under Charles Cornwallis arrived to force the American army into retreat. At night Washington led his men around the British to defeat an outpost at Princeton, causing Cornwallis to retreat to New Brunswick and enabling Washington to lead his troops into winter quarters near Morristown. The victories restored American morale and renewed confidence in Washington.

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United States War of Independence
      (177677), in the American Revolution, battles notable as the first successes won by the Revolutionary general George Washington (Washington, George) in the open field. After the capture of Fort Washington on Manhattan Island in November 1776, the British general Sir William Howe (Howe, William Howe, 5th Viscount) forced the Americans to retreat through New Jersey and across the Delaware River into Pennsylvania. Howe then went into winter quarters, leaving the Hessian colonel Johann Rall at Trenton with about 1,400 men.

      Although Washington's Continental Army was discouraged by the year's disasters, its morale was not crushed, and it now numbered 6,000 effectives. Ascertaining that the Hessians were virtually unsupported, Washington determined to attempt their capture. Despite the ice floes in the Delaware, Washington crossed the river on December 25 and surprised the enemy, the next day capturing more than 900 men. Four days later he occupied Trenton. Hearing of Washington's move, Lord Cornwallis (Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess and 2nd Earl, Viscount Brome, Baron Cornwallis of Eye) confronted the Continentals east of the city with about 7,000 troops on January 2, 1777, driving them back. Unable to find boats for an escape, Washington called a council of war that confirmed his bold plan to break camp quietly that night and take a byroad to Princeton. The maneuver succeeded, and three British regiments that met him there on January 3 were all driven back or retreated. As a result, Washington continued his march to Morristown, New Jersey, where he flanked British communications with New York. Cornwallis retired to New Brunswick. Besides succeeding in breaking through Howe's lines, Washington had placed himself in an advantageous position for recruiting his army and maintaining a strong defensive in the next campaign.

      The effect of these early American victories in the battles of Trenton and Princeton was marked. Following close upon a series of defeats, they put new life into the American cause and renewed confidence in Washington as commander of the Revolutionary Army.

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