Toynbee, Arnold (Joseph)

Toynbee, Arnold (Joseph)
born April 14, 1889, London, Eng.
died Oct. 22, 1975, York, North Yorkshire

English historian.

Long a professor at the University of London and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Toynbee also held positions with the British Foreign Office. He is best known for his 12-volume A Study of History (1934–61), which put forward a philosophy of history, based on an analysis of the development and decline of 26 civilizations. Criticisms of his Study include his use of myths and metaphors as being of comparable value to factual data and his reliance on a view of religion as a regenerative force. His other works include Civilization on Trial (1948), East to West (1958), and Hellenism (1959).

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  • Toynbee,Arnold Joseph — Toyn·bee (toinʹbē), Arnold Joseph. 1889 1975. British historian and educator who studied cyclical patterns in the growth and decline of civilizations and is noted for his 12 volume Study of History (1934 1961). * * * …   Universalium

  • Toynbee, Arnold (Joseph) — (14 abr. 1889, Londres, Inglaterra–22 oct. 1975, York, Yorkshire). Historiador inglés. Veterano profesor de la Universidad de Londres y del Royal Institute of International Affairs, ejerció además distintos cargos en el Foreign Office. Es… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Toynbee, Arnold Joseph — ► (1889 1975) Historiador británico. Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, trabajó en el Servicio de inteligencia británico. Se especializó en filosofía de la historia y estableció una teoría cíclica sobre la evolución de las civilizaciones.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • TOYNBEE, Arnold Joseph — (1889 1975)    English philosopher of HISTORY and author of the multi volume A Study of History (1934 1961) which sets out to find a pattern in historical events. In real life his loyalties swung from Marxism to Fascism to ROMAN CATHOLICISM… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Arnold Joseph Toynbee — Arnold J. Toynbee, 1961 Arnold Joseph Toynbee (* 14. April 1889 in London; † 22. Oktober 1975) war ein britischer Kulturtheoretiker und einer der bedeutendsten Geschichtsphilosophen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er gilt als letzter großer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Arnold Joseph Toynbee — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Toynbee. Arnold Joseph Toynbee (14 avril 1889 22 octobre 1975) était un historien britannique. Son analyse en douze volumes de l essor et de la chute des civilisations, Étude de l histoire (A… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Arnold Joseph Toynbee — noun English historian who studied the rise and fall of civilizations looking for cyclical patterns (1889 1975) • Syn: ↑Toynbee, ↑Arnold Toynbee • Instance Hypernyms: ↑historian, ↑historiographer …   Useful english dictionary

  • Arnold J Toynbee — Arnold J. Toynbee, 1961 Arnold Joseph Toynbee (* 14. April 1889 in London; † 22. Oktober 1975) war ein britischer Kulturtheoretiker und einer der bedeutendsten Geschichtsphilosophen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er gilt als letzter großer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Toynbee — is a surname, and can refer to (in chronological order):* Joseph Toynbee, British physician, pioneer of otolaryngology, * Arnold Toynbee, British economist, son of Joseph Toynbee * Arnold Joseph Toynbee, British historian, nephew of Arnold… …   Wikipedia

  • Toynbee — Toynbee, Arnold Toynbee, Arnold Joseph …   Enciclopedia Universal

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