
Small monument built in 1502 to mark the crucifixion spot of St. Peter in Rome.

Designed by Donato Bramante, it is a circular, domed, unadorned masterpiece of High Renaissance architecture. Its outer face is a colonnade of bare Tuscan Doric, the earliest modern use of this order. Because of its proportions, the tiny temple has the majesty of a great monument.

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      small circular chapel erected in the courtyard of San Pietro in Montorio in Rome on the supposed site of the martyrdom of St. Peter. It was commissioned by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain and was built in 1502 after designs made by Donato Bramante.

      The design was inspired by a particular type of classical templeand specifically by the temple of Vesta at Tivolibuilt on a circular plan and surrounded by columns. Bramante added a dome (since altered) and chose the Doric order for the structure's decoration. Remarkable for its elegantly simple reinterpretation of classical forms, the Tempietto is regarded as one of the finest examples of High Renaissance architecture.

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